Full Stack Developer JS (OPPA-DBNK)

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    Medior (2 - 7y)

19 octobre 2023

Full Stack Developer JS (OPPA-DBNK)

About Keytrade Bank

As a digital native and fintech ‘avant la lettre’, Keytrade Bank has been offering a fully online banking and trading experience to its clients for almost 25 years.  While continuously expanding its broad range of banking, investment and trading products Keytrade Bank has grown into the established challenger of the more expensive bigger traditional banks in Belgium. We take pride in delivering easy-to-understand quality solutions at a competitive pricing.

Becoming part of our inner Keytrade Bank circle means that you will be joining a diverse group of dynamic professionals who understand their roles and responsibility in society and how they can contribute to a better future. Keytrade Bank is a separate branch of the French Arkéa Direct Bank.


Belonging to a non-listed, cooperative mutualistic group with ambitious environmental and social commitments , Keytrade Bank understands its role and responsibility in society and how it can contribute to a better tomorrow. Our goal is to pave the way for our clients to take their own well-informed, sustainable and socially responsible decisions.

Our offer 

Keytrade Bank is a young bank, where all IT systems traditionally were developed in house. Currently Keytrade Bank is moving to a model where we focus on customer experience and innovative products, relying a bit more on off-the-shelf products and services for the basic functionality. We take this opportunity to refactor our systems following microservice architecture and Domain Driven Development.

Next to this technical transition, Keytrade Bank has moved towards a customised Agile organisation at all levels of the bank. The Product Factory (for delivery) contains autonomous Feature Teams split by business domain instead of technology. Autonomous means that each team has all the skills needed for its domain, IT as well as business. On top of that, each technology has its own chapter to share and manage the technical experience.

Working in a small bank - especially in autonomous teams - is very different than working in a big bank. Responsibilities are much bigger, knowledge broader. We have a very high growth rate and we are looking for motivated people willing to become part of our dynamic teams to help improve and transform its existing trading and banking system.

Your role

You are a team player, always ready to share and discuss ideas in order to improve the existing, and to find solution for new projects. Everyone is acknowledged for their role, and we need people with a strong sense of responsibility in our teams.

You are able to work independently when needed, dealing with tasks from early requirements analysis until final implementation and testing. You are open to interaction with your colleagues, able to reach out for help when required and open to accept or provide constructive criticism. You are eager to learn about trading and banking related matters, and also about new technologies. When it comes to programming, you are meticulous and orderly, without losing your pragmatic attitude.

You will be joining the OPPA Feature Team (Onboarding, Prospects, Personal Data Management and Access Management) that is responsible for everything related to the onboarding process, which welcomes future customers through their journey to be part of Keytrade, as well as the management and the update of the personal data in regards of regulations, but also the Access Management where all access & signature methods are managed, including our SoftKey and ItsMe.

Joining the company during a big planned migration, as part of the OPPA Feature Team, you will, in your first weeks, be supporting the DBNK Feature Team (Daily Banking) to help them with the integration of the new Authentication Module that includes ItsMe, in all payment flows, on the website, but also in the mobile app.

You will work with several frontend and backend developers, business analysts, devops engineer, testers, product owner & a scrum master. As part of the feature team, you will plan, estimate, execute and deliver features on a two weeks sprint basis, participating to all ceremonies, wherever you are, as we have a flexible remote policy that allow you to work from home half of the time. 

Your profile

  • Academic degree in a technical field or a proven experience of 3-5 years in developing JavaScript frontend & backend applications
  • Strong Analysis skills
  • Proven skills in technical translation of the business requirements to user stories
  • Capacity to work in Scrum mode
  • Dynamic, collaborative with a sense of responsibility
  • Passionate about new technologies

Your skills 

  • Front-end :
    • React.js with styled-components
    • React Native with styled-components
    • knowledge of micro frontend architecture
  • Back-end :
    • NodeJS in TypeScript
    • knowledge of TypeORM or more modern ORM is a plus
  • Design of API (REST or gRPC)
    • OpenAPI/Swagger
  • Proficiency in English and one of the following languages: Dutch or French
  • Knowledge of CI/CD through GitLab
  • Awareness of
    • AWS services (EC2, RDS, ECS, etc.)
    • Terraform/infra as code is a plus
    • GraphQL is a plus
    • C# .NET is a plus