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How can I manage or end a Keyplan?

Can I change the composition, the amount of the payments and the periodicity of my KEYPLAN?

Yes, you can constantly change all the parameters of your KEYPLAN. These modifications will come into effect at the next update. These modifications will affect the composition of your plan.

Is it possible to take out money of the KEYPLAN at any moment?

A KEYPLAN is an investment plan for the long term. We do not recommend using the KEYPLAN for a short-term period investment.However, it is completely possible to have your savings at any time by transferring these funds on to your trading account. From your trading account you can easily sell your funds.

How can you stop your KEYPLAN?

You can stop your KEYPLAN at any time just by sending us this document Close KEYPLAN filled in and signed by mail to Keytrade Bank, Vorstlaan 100, 1170 Brussels, or email a scan or photo to We will then sell your funds and transfer the proceeds, minus any applicable charges and taxes, to your trading account.

Is it possible to suspend the KEYPLAN?

Yes, there is a possibility to suspend your KEYPLAN just by stopping the payments during a certain time. With this intention, it is enough to put your KEYPLAN on hold.

Is there a possibility to choose yourself the date of placement?

No, the periodic purchase of the funds is automatically done at the fifth day of each month. Every deposit on the account of the Keyplan done at the latest on the fourth day of the month will be invested as of the fifth day of the month. The only condition is that the Keyplan must be active. This means that you didn't interrupt your Keyplan.

Is it possible to have a KEYPLAN in another currency?

No, at this moment, Keytrade bank only proposes a KEYPLAN in Euro

What does occur when the balance of my bank account is not sufficient to ensure the periodic deposit on my KEYPLAN?

At that time, the buying order for your funds could not be done and your KEYPLAN will be suspended until there's again enough money on your account.

What is a rebalancing of a KEYPLAN?

When you rebalance, you are kind of pressing the reset button. In this case, you are choosing to reset the ratios back to where they were at the start. In practice, you sell a part of the funds that have performed above average, and you buy more of the funds that performed below average.

How can I rebalance my KEYPLAN?

  • Log in to the site as client
  • Select your KEYPLAN
  • In the Manage tab, click on the "Rebalance your plan" button

What does an arbitrage of a KEYPLAN mean?

You invest, in principle, for the long term and based on your risk appetite. But there are a number of exceptional cases where it can be useful to adjust your investment strategy.

You have 2 possibilities:

  • You adjust the distribution of the weights of the funds yourself.
  • you change your investment strategy. You have 2 options:
    • either you can choose to place only your future investments in the new KEYPLAN. So your current KEYPLAN just carries on as it is, without any further money being deposited.
    • or you can choose to move all of your present KEYPLAN over to the new KEYPLAN. All your future payments are made into your new KEYPLAN.

How can I apply arbitrage to my KEYPLAN?

  • Log in to the site as client
  • Select your KEYPLAN
  • In the Manage tab, click on the "Change your KEYPLAN" button
  • Under "Your investment style" click on the name of the KEYPLAN to which you want to apply arbitrage
  • Finally click on "Confirm" above this

How to bring the percentage of a fund in a KEYPLAN (cautious, balanced and audacious) to 0% for future investments? By removing (bringing to 0%) one or more funds out of your KEYPLAN, you are changing the investment style of your KEYPLAN for your future investments. You are actually modifying your KEYPLAN into one with an  à la carte investment style. But how do you do this? The first thing you need to do after logging in  to our transaction site and selecting your KEYPLAN is copying the current composition and percentages of the different funds in your KEYPLAN. You will need these for the next step. You now click on KEYPLAN and the tab "à la carte".  You select the funds you want to keep out of your current KEYPLAN and/ or you select one or more new ones. You fill out the percentages of your choice and you keep in mind that the total must be 100 %. All you now still need to do is confirm the new composition.

This article does not contain any investment advice or recommendation, nor a financial analysis. Nothing in this article may be construed as information with a contractual value of any sort whatsoever. This article is intended for information only and does not constitute in any way a commercialization of financial products. Keytrade Bank cannot be held liable for any decision made based on the information contained in this article, nor for its use by third parties. Every investment entails risks such as a possible loss of capital. Before investing in financial instruments, please inform yourself properly and read carefully the document "Overview of the principal characteristics and risks of financial instruments" that you can find in the Document centre.