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Transfer your state notes and get up to 150EUR

Did you subscribe to the renowned 1-year Belgian state note of September 2023 at another bank or broker? You know the one with the 3,3 % gross yield and ISIN BE3871291212.

Well, it might bring you an extra return* of up to 150EUR, at least if you transfer it to our bank.

*Be sure to check out our dedicated promo page for some extra background information and some questions and answers.

As we are talking about a transfer of your 'savings' from one of your banks to another, it is, of course, highly understandable that you wish to talk with a colleague of ours.
Therefore, we invite you to complete the form below and one of our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible. We would like to explain the ins and outs of this promotion, what to expect and when, the time this transfer will take and the expected charges we are going to pay you back, et cetera.

Please complete

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