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No extra costs ...

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Keytrade Bank

... yet again 700,000 euros gladly given to you, our customers!

You have probably read it in the papers or online. Many of our competitors are once again charging extra for the use of their bank accounts. Meanwhile we at Keytrade Bank gladly remain loyal to our reward programme.

Our bank will also in 2022 continue to give 5 eurocents per transaction on a current account. That’s really unique on the Belgian market.

“In 2021 we gave our clients almost 700 000 euros.”, says Thierry Ternier, “That’s a lot of money, especially when you compare it with what certain brick and mortar banks are charging for their current accounts with similar facilities. Please go and check Spaargids or!

Aren’t there any costs that Keytrade Bank needs to pay to enable daily banking transactions?

“Yes of course there are. Still we like to see and show ourselves as the honest and transparent choice of the consumer who thinks twice. Quite elementary, we also want to earn our keep. However we do not want to let our clients pay for the continuous reorganization of a bank. Being digital from the start helps us to maintain this point of view.”

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