New trading fees from now on

The gateway to your favorite markets is more open than ever. Not in the least thanks to our significant price drops on our clients' favorite markets.
Go check out our 'new' pricing grid.
Which trading fees have changed on 22 January 2025?
Significant drops (up to 60%) and new 'blocks' for shares and trackers
Brussels, Amsterdam & Paris
Harmonised tariffs on Euronext
empty-header empty-header An order from 0 to 250EUR2,45EURAn order from 250,01 to 2500EUR5,95EURAn order from 2500.01 to 10 000EUR14,95EURPer additional block of 10 000EUR+ 7,50EURUS markets
empty-header empty-header An order from 0 to 2500USD14,95USDAn order van 2500,01USD to 10 000USD19,95USDPer each additional 10 000USD+ 7,50USD
And what else has changed?
A price drop for options on US markets and an increase for outgoing transfers
US option markets
Stock and index options in USD
empty-header empty-header Per contract2,50USDExercise* - Assignment options on stocks0,30% of the execution price (with a minimum of 19,95USD per transaction)Exercise* - Assignment options on indexes (cash settlement)2,50USD per contract (with a minimum of 19,95USD per transaction)Cash settlement on options due to a corporate action5USDTransfer of financial instruments
Outgoing transfers will cost a bit more
empty-header empty-header Outgoing transfers50EUR per line (excl. VAT)Transfers to own accounts within Keytrade BankFreeTransfers to third party accounts within Keytrade Bank15EUR per line (excl. Vat)