Verify the Recovery Code of your HardKey
Enter the Recovery Code you received by our Helpdesk.
Recovery Code
Did you receive both letters?
To proceed with the activation, take the first letter with the initial PIN + the letter containing your new HardKey.

The letter with the initial PIN

The letter containing your new HardKey
Check the serial number of your HardKey
Enter the serial number written on the sticker on the back of the device.

Enter the serial number of your new HardKey
The serial number is on the back of your HardKey (10 characters)

The HardKey you are trying to activate is not the right one.
Contact us
+32 2 679 90 90
Available from 09.00 to 22.00 (CET)
Create your own PIN code
Have you already changed your Hardkey PIN code? If so, please proceed with the next step.
Follow these steps on your HardKey:

Link your HardKey to your accounts
Last step before using your HardKey.
Follow these steps on your HardKey:
Enter the number code that appears on your HardKey

You have entered 3 incorrect codes.
Contact us
+32 2 679 90 90
Available from 09.00 to 22.00 (CET)
Your HardKey is now ready to use!

As from now...
Doing trades is easier, since you no longer have to sign them*.
*Exception: trades on OTC BB markets still need to be signed. You can also choose to keep signing all trades in «Your preferences».